–Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) has said Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI treated people of the African continent in a unique way during his pontificate.
SECAM in a statement signed by its Vice President, Fridoline Cardinal Ambongo said, “The Church Family of God in Africa and Madagascar welcomed with great sadness and deep emotion the news of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Saturday, December 31, 2022.”
The statement released in relation to the death of the retired Pope described the Pope Emeritus as one who “served the whole Church with great self-sacrifice and has worked tirelessly for justice, peace, reconciliation and dialogue between cultures.”
“The people of Africa know that Benedict XVI treated them in a very special way during his pontificate. He convened the Second Synodal Assembly for Africa in order to give the Church of God on the African continent a new impetus charged with evangelical hope and charity,” the statement added.
The statement further explained that that “He invited Africa to trust in itself in order to stand up with dignity. He saw in her “the spiritual lung for a humanity that seems to be in crisis of faith and hope”.