Sixty (60) catechumens of the St. Augustine Catholic Church, Hohoe received First Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday.
After months of studies, these faithful were set to receive the body of Christ.
Very Rev. Fr. Paschal Afesi in his homily, touched on the Divine Mercy of God and the need for humans to show mercy to one another.
He then adviced the new communicants to prioritise togetherness and constant presence in the house of God as they tend to miss the favours and blessings Christ brings , with reference to the absence of Timothy when Christ first appeared in the midst of his disciples, missing the greeting of peace christ brought.
Rev. Fr. Afesi also touched on the doubting behaviour of faithful when it comes to believing in God and matters of faith while admonishing them to hear the voice of Christ “blessed are those who have not see yet they believe” anytime in doubt.
He further explained the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and its institution by Christ himself.
The communicants made presentations to Rev. Fr. Paschal Afesi, Parish Priest, Mr Joseph Agboli and Mr Matthew Xeflide, Catechists and Mr Tom Samuel and Miss Debora Agbo, the Facilitators.