The general design of the coat of arms of bishops consists of a cross, a crest, and a hat with a connecting rope which has six tassels on either side of the crest. Then, the specifics of a particular bishop’s coat of arms are his motto as well as the divisions of his crest and the symbols therein.
The colour GREEN reminds us of youthfulness, fresh or new ideas and readiness to serve. The yellow gold represents royalty whiles the colour white reminds us of purity, truth to humanity, reverence and communion with God.
In the top left quadrant, the cross and the dove represent the victory of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ crucifixion gives us the assurance of salvation and God’s victory over death. The Holy Spirit represents the presence of God in all aspects of our Christian journey. Christ and the Holy Spirit have been and shall continue to be my guide and the firm rock on which my ministry is built.
The top right quadrant seen as the symbol M and A in blue colour represents our Mother Mary and her intercessory presence in my ministry. Blue colour which is always used for our dear Mother Mary tells us about humility, calmness and trust.
The bottom left quadrant seen as the ants and the wavy lines of the coast stands for the Ga-Dangme ethnic group and the coastal city of Accra where our Archdiocese is located. The red colour used for the ants tells you and I about our energy and life-giving blood. It also reminds us about leadership while the black colour reminds us of our strength and how unique we are as individuals.
The bottom right quadrant has the eagle which is called Korley in Krobo and is part of the symbol of the Jebiam clan of Krobo. The vision of the Eagle reaches far and reminds us of the need to look forward to the future with hopeful anticipation and faith in God. The Eagle represents honesty, truth, strength and courage and we are called to emulate these virtues.
AD GLORIAM DEI is Latin for ‘To the Glory of God”