Circumstances brought me to crossroads around my second year as a student at Legon. I had to decide whether to draw closer to God or delve deeper in the secular social life on Legon campus.
Hitherto I went home every weekend partly because I was a Sunday School animator. Finally, my choice to draw closer to God led me to join the prayer meeting (ITI) on campus, then held at the Mensah Sarbah Chapel. That day, I hid away at the balcony, not really sure what I was doing. During the announcement there was an invitation to join Bible sharing during the week.
I decided to go for the Bible sharing after class.
I think it was a Wednesday evening. l arrived to a young pretty & dynamic young lady, Val Mensah, leading the sharing. She paused to look at me, almost staring, which made the others to also look. This was very uncomfortable, I remember.
The ITI fellowship was really great, yet the stares didn’t end quickly. It was more like the ‘what is this guy doing here’ look, maybe because of the baggy jeans I was used to wearing (and my ‘akata’ outfits). Nonetheless there were some few who made sure I felt welcome. God bless them.
One of such was a certain Miriam who ushered me into the rubrics of drama & choreography. Though I hated this type of dancing or being in front of people, (my roommates laughed at me severally) yet the fellowship was just too lovely to pass. Guess what, slowly God started stirring in my heart a loving desire for Him more and more. And so I got more serious with ministry and the rest will be a winding twist and turn of a journey of faith, trusting God and impacting lives…
Key take aways:
1. You can never wrong if you choose God over the pleasures of this world
2. Don’t ignore the promptings and invitation of God in your heart. It may just be destiny calling
3. Don’t pay too much attention to the ‘holier than thou’ and naysayers especially the church brethren. God will surely send a few to help you
4. You can’t get to your destination on your own, you need others. Listen, learn and keep growing
5. Be determined to become better, whatever you are and whoever you are… Don’t run away from your calling.
Hope this inspired you…?🙏🏽😊
“Great things He has done, greater things He will do…”
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