The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, by name Bonfilius, Alexis, Manettus, Amideus, Hugh, Sostene and Buonagiunta were seven holy men of the town of Florence, Tuscany, who became bound to each other in a spiritual friendship and were eventually called by Mary, the Mother of God, towards whom they practiced an intense devotion, in a vision that they reportedly all shared in one and the same moment (though at first each was unaware that the others also saw what he saw) to “leave the world, the better to serve almighty God”.
St. Bonfilius of Florence was born Bonfilius Monaldi (Buonfiglio dei Monaldi), St. Alexis of Florence was born Alexis Falconieri, St. Manettus of Florence was born Benedict dell’Antella (Benedetto dell’ Antella), St. Amideus of Florence was born Bartholemew Amidei (also known as Bartolomeo degli Amidei), St. Hugh of Florence was born Ricovero Uguccioni, St. Sostene of Florence was born Gerardino Sostegni (Gherardino di Sostegno), and St. Buonagiunta of Florence was born John Manetti (Giovanni di Buonagiunta (Bonajuncta)).
Pope Leo XIII canonized all seven on January 15, 1888. Following the canonization of the seven founders, their feast was inserted in the General Roman Calendar for celebration on February 11, the anniversary of the granting of canonical approval to the order in 1304. However, in 1909, February 11, became the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the feast of the seven founders was moved to February 12. In the 1969 revision of the calendar, February 17, the date of death of St. Alexis Falconieri was judged a more appropriate time for the feast day of the seven Saints.