We, the Pastoral Year Seminarians of 2024/25 Seminary Year from the three Theological Major
Seminaries in Ghana, having gone through a three-day workshop on Formation on Synodality in Ghana Seminaries under the theme, “Synodality and Conversation in the Spirit in pastoral
settings”, resolve that:1. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we shall adopt a synodal approach in our care for souls as
seminarians now and priests in the future.2. Quality listening shall be our modus operandi in every pastoral setting in order to create a safe
environment for all to feel at home.3. Conversation in the Spirit method shall be our way of life so as to offer an atmosphere of trust
and welcome. It shall also help us to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling us through our
experiences and those of others.4. We shall be active agents for the emergence of a Synodal Church in Ghana by living out the
three virtues of synodality proposed by Pope Francis namely; thinking as God thinks, overcoming
exclusiveness, and cultivating humility.5. Our goal is to inspire people to dream, to make hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up
wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to
warm hearts, and to restore strength (cf. PD, 32)6. We shall promote a Synodal missionary Church in which we encourage communion,
participation and mission.Conclusion
As we conclude this Synodal journey for the pastoral Year Seminarians in Ghana, we are filled
with gratitude for the enriching conversations and diverse perspectives shared. May we continue
to listen, discern, and act together guided by the Holy Spirit.