Dearly beloved, I believe we are making gradual progress with St. Paul’s teachings. He has developed sub-themes leading us to the ultimate theme of LOVE. And, we all know that God is Love.
Today, the Apostle continues his teaching on gifts in the Church by leading us all to the real meaning of Love. Surely, love is ETERNAL because God is Love and God is ETERNAL. While all the above mentioned gifts are necessary for building the Body of Christ on earth, none of them is present in heaven. Hence, since a Christian lives with the hope of going to heaven, we need to allow Love to drive every single charismatic gift.
At this juncture, may I solicit your prayers for Bishops and Superiors who have the task of appointing and transferring priests and religious.
It is sad that some priests and religious bear perpetual grudges with their Bishops and Superiors for sending them to a deprived area. What an irony: is not apostle the highest charismatic gift on earth, so why should one bear grudges for being SENT OUT? Just imagine where Jesus sent his disciples: the pagan world.
If we truly have Love as ministers, we would love our Superiors for SENDING US OUT of our comfort zone irrespective of where we are sent to.
Jesus bemoans our stubbornness as He compares the people of His generation to children playing in the market square. Noise is one of the impediments which affects our LISTENING to God’s Word.
Excessive noise in our churches and communities have destroyed the nerves in the brain and heart which makes us to crave for unnecessary attention. We are seeking ourselves instead of Christ. When we profess love for God, it is because we wish to use Him as care of to seek our interest.
Every charismatic gift will come to an end one day on earth except LOVE. A clear example was during COVID – pastors and so-called prophets stopped prophesying about visas. Love knows no boundaries. It serves the needs of AlLL. Both John the Baptist and Jesus had one gift in common – prophecy. However, they all carried love along which made them continue their lives in heaven.
May God bless us with genuine love always. Amen!
Peace and Joy!