Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church (Memorial)
Daily Reflections
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Daily Readings
Saturday of the Second week of Advent
Book of Sirach 48,1-4.9-11.
In those days, like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace.
Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits;
By... God's word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire.
How awesome are you, Elijah! Whose glory is equal to yours?
You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses.
You are destined, it is written, in time to come to put an end to wrath before the day of the LORD, To turn back the hearts of fathers toward their sons, and to reestablish the tribes of Jacob.
Blessed is he who shall have seen you and who falls asleep in your friendship.