Scholastica born c. 480, is a saint of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Anglican Communion, who was born in...
On the 10th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, held on February 8, 2024, the Holy Father...
Saint Apollonia was one of a group of virgin martyrs who suffered in Alexandria during a local uprising against Christians...
Ireland on Thursday, February 1, is celebrating the 1,500th anniversary of the death of St. Brigid of Kildare, the island's...
Today, February 3rd, is the feast day of San Biagio (Saint Blaise), popularly known as the healer of throat diseases....
Francis is originally an ethnic name meaning Frank or Frenchman or Freeman. From France as Franceis, Latin as Franciscus and...
Anthony is a Latin family name as Anthonius which means Priceless One or Highly Praiseworthy Anthony was born in the...
Francis is a Latin male name Franciscus which means Frenchman or Free Man Franciszek Rogaczewski was born on 23rd December...
Raymond is originally a Germanic male name which means Counseling Protector Born of a noble family in 1175 at the...
Roncalli -Genevieve is originally a Germanic and Celtic female name which means Woman of the Race St Genevieve was born...
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